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IVHQ Groups Reviews

Volunteer Overseas as a Group with IVHQ

Going to Bogota, Colombia to volunteer with my medical school group was truly a humbling, eye opening, yet filling experience. Each day we had to drive 40+ minutes and climb a very large, rocky hill to get to an underserved community. While we were at the community we spent 5+ hours cooking for them daily, entertaining the children with activities, teaching them English, and we were able to donate medical supplies along with gifts and other food items. These children and their parents were so kind and willing to share whatever they had with us. Leaving them was one of the hardest things I had to do because we created a bond that I know will never be broken. Visiting this community opened my eyes to the various medical, public health, and social disparities faced all over the world which truly need to be addressed. With Gods help, my goal for the future is to revisit the community, and to bring resources that can help bridge this gap so that the children and their parents can have better/easier access to healthcare, personal items, and much more. Rolanda Brown, St George’s University Medical Student (Colombia)

The medical mission trip organized through IVHQ was absolutely amazing. Having the chance to go to India and provide healthcare to communities in need was an eye-opening and fulfilling experience. We were able to provide blood glucose and blood pressure screenings and triage general ailments. We also were fortunate to be able to donate many supplies to hundreds of people during our time there. Learning about the culture and seeing the health disparities firsthand gives you a greater appreciation of just how valuable volunteering efforts across the world can be. After this trip, I definitely plan to stay engaged with future volunteering efforts abroad. Lalita Prasad-Reddy, Chicago State University Medical Campaign (India)

This program was by far the most rewarding experience of my career. It was incredible seeing the impact that we could make on these heartfelt organizations in our short time on the ground. I enjoyed the opportunity to be challenged on so many dimensions (culturally, language skills, project leadership, strategic thinking in a non-commercial context, etc.) while working with high-achieving, down-to-earth peers and leaders. Such a refreshing experience that I will always hold near and dear! Deborah Scheele, Deloitte Human Capital Consulting Group (NGO Support)

My favorite moment from the volunteering experience was learning the culture and every day way of the Nepali people, which caused me to appreciate everything I have so much more. Thank you for the amazing opportunity! Rivka Berg, Touro College Medical Campaign (Nepal)

Nepal is incredible. Before I came on the trip, I expected to enter a country that lacked it all. That couldn’t be further from the truth for Nepal. This place is rich with history, culture, love, family, and beauty. Our group was happy to assist where we were needed. Thank you IVHQ for setting up such an amazing medical mission. Moses Bibi, Touro College Medical Campaign (Nepal)

My favorite moment was on the Medical Campaign project. We had traveled to a school and there were a lot of children there who had no idea how to properly wash their hands. We showed them and you could just see the gratitude in their eyes that they felt clean. We also taught them how to brush their teeth, and provided them with toothbrushes. It was amazing to be able to give them something to keep and information that would last a lifetime. Whitnee Deaton, Purdue Univeristy Group Medical Campaign (Guatemala)

Lima, Peru was truly the most amazing experience of my life. Not only was I able to meet wonderful people, I was able to help change lives whilst doing it. People kept saying to me thank you for the work I was doing whilst there, but if anything it is me who should be thanking them. The experience they provided me with is one that will never be forgotten and it was such a privilege to be able to work with IVHQ on a special needs placement. To anyone having any doubts or those who are worried about traveling alone, just go for it! I can promise you that you won’t regret it. You’ll come home a completely better person with new friends all over the world, a heart full of love and a crazy amount of fantastic memories. Thank you again Peru, you were a blast! Amber Jesson, De Montfort University, Construction and Renovation (Peru - Lima)

IVHQ helped our company pilot our first international volunteer trip. They were great partners from day one, always responding to our many questions immediately. They helped us build our own program that worked for our company’s needs and were incredibly flexible in the planning process. Once in Guatemala, everything from accommodation, to food, to transportation, to the program itself ran incredibly smoothly. It was a great way for members of our organisation to gain exposure to health inequities in a new culture while bonding over new experiences. We are thrilled to have IVHQ as a partner for all of our future volunteer trips. Lena Morrison, Oxeon Partners Group Leader, Medical Campaign (Guatemala)

I travelled to Nepal as part of a group arranged through my University and I loved this trip so much! I can not distinguish which one moment was the best because they were all so diverse in good ways. However, I loved working with the children in Pokhara and learning about their day to day life while we gave them check ups. Ahuva Yomtov, Touro College Group Member, Medical Campaign (Nepal)

Volunteering with IVHQ was the best decision of my life. I decided august 2016 I would do it and through a year of planning while in nursing school we fundraised enough for the trip! My peers and I were so greatful for the opportunity to be immersed in another culture while helping. We felt like we were able to make a difference while also learning so much! I will be back next year! Kiersten Love, Group Leader from Thomas Jefferson College of Nursing, Medical (Guatemala)

For my group, the mix of structure and freedom was great for us. It was great to learn more about Indonesia and Bali in the orientation week, meeting people in the local community, trying new foods, wandering through the markets, seeing the beach and the countryside, and practising the language! This was an amazing experience, I’m so happy I went on this trip and so glad to have had the opportunity to go! Gayatri Evans Sharma, Group Member from De Montfort University, Teaching (Bali)

The IVHQ website made everything super easy to complete before leaving. After such a long travel, we were greeted at the airport by two IVHQ employees, they were so warm and welcoming and made the arrival process super smooth. We got to the volunteer house that night and the accommodation was wonderful. We were able to shower and get to bed comfortably. All of the IVHQ staff was so friendly and kind. The local team worked tirelessly to ensure we had everything we needed. We were able to effectively screen 1296 adults and children for malaria and then properly treat every single positive result. If that is not incredible I don’t know what is! All of the food was wonderful and I enjoyed all of our accommodations as well. When I think back to the stressed feelings I had before this trip I want to laugh! This 2 week trip changed my life. I learned so much about myself, love, life, and the world around me. It opened my eyes in ways I could have never foreseen. I can’t praise this organisation enough or find the right words to give the credit it deserves. Thank you IVHQ! Hannah Koch, Group Member from Roanoke College, Medical (Ghana)

IVHQ - University of Michigan Honours Group - Volunteer abroad as a group

Our university brought some students to volunteer at Kenya Mombasa and little did I know that I would be getting so much out of this trip. I have learned so much form this experience and believe it has transformed and is transforming me, into a better version of myself. It has opened my perspective and view on the world and life’s aspects. Overall the trip exceed all my expectations positively and I could not thank the IVHQ team enough for the great memories and everlasting happy memories I hold in my heart, so thank you for everything. Mariam Naiser, American University of Kuwait Group Member, Childcare (Kenya)

As an experienced traveler, I have to say that I was impressed with the accommodations for our group and the friendly and knowledgeable staff. We felt taken care of the entire time we were there, we knew what we needed to do and what they expected of us ahead of time. Staff was willing to help us understand the culture and our mission at all times, no question went unanswered. I am so happy I got a chance to participate on this trip and I look forward to future trips. I enjoy working with IVHQ. Jasmine Linares, Austin Peay State University Group Member, Street Children Work (Ecuador)

As an experienced traveler, I have to say that I was impressed with the accommodations for our group and the friendly and knowledgeable staff. We felt taken care of the entire time we were there, we knew what we needed to do and what they expected of us ahead of time. Staff was willing to help us understand the culture and our mission at all times, no question went unanswered. I am so happy I got a chance to participate on this trip and I look forward to future trips. I enjoy working with IVHQ. Jasmine Linares, Austin Peay State University Group Member, Street Children Work (Ecuador)

I cannot recommend IVHQ enough! I had the best 2 weeks of my life volunteering with NGO Support in Naples. I couldn’t get over the culture and character in Naples, it was absolutely beautiful. I was a little scared at first because I’m sure a lot of you looking into volunteering or travelling to Naples have heard some horror stories… Well, I can assure you that all the locals I met were very kind and helpful, to say the least. I made some very dear friends that I’ve been keeping in touch with. We had a lot of off time that we spent exploring all the sights that Naples had to offer. We also had time to visit Rome, Sorrento, and Pompeii. I would recommend this experience to anyone! Cindy McWade - Algonquin College Group Member, NGO Support (Italy)

Since our arrival in Bali, the local team have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Not only effectively coordinating all activities, but ensuring our every need was catered for. They made all the students feel safe, secure and valued. These proactive actions to ensure total inclusion have been so appreciated by Pete, myself and our students. Which made our time volunteering a fantastically memorable experience. An experience we hope to repeat again in the future. Andrea Carr, Enviro-Bali Group Leader, Environmental Education (Bali)

Thank you for the wonderful opportunity you have given us this week - it was truly a memorable one, and one that gave us a lot of insight into rural communities and what we could actively do to support them from wherever we are. The local staff were absolutely wonderful and a pleasure to have overseeing our stay, as were the other volunteers. I just wanted to say thank you for giving us this opportunity and hope we get to work together sometime in the future. Giana Siddiqui, SJI International Group Leader, Outdoor Work (Thailand)

I chose IVHQ because of their approach to Responsible Volunteer Travel, the level of service and support I received, and the affordability of their fees. All of my students had access to information ahead of time and the local team were also EXCELLENT on the ground. As a faculty leader, I was completely satisfied and I very much feel that our project was suitable for our group, with all of us growing and learning from the experience. Volunteering in Guatemala was a very humbling experience and I will take my students on more of these kinds of experiences. They all grew exponentially from the experience. The local team was excellent in every way from the moment we arrived until we left; a special kudos to the leader of our medical campaign. He is truly an asset and an angel to the disadvantaged of his country. Michelle Osmond, Faculty Leader for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Group from Algonquin College, Canada (Guatemala)

IVHQ Group - Nursing Group from Algonquin College

Planning this experience couldn’t have been easier. IVHQ was fantastic to work with - they were proactive in their approach, insightful, had quick responses, and never tired from our many, many questions and sometimes last-minute changes within our group.If you’re looking to arrange a group, you will have peace of mind with working with IVHQ. For future groups and volunteers, I’d say you’re about to have an awesome experience in Costa Rica; definitely take the opportunity to stay with host families - you’ll learn so much Spanish, eat like royalty, and experience the warmth of the culture. As the ticos say, Pura Vida! Ryan Thomas, University of Michigan Honors Group Leader, Turtle Conservation (Costa Rica)

Overall it was very good! I thought the orientation was well-planned and delivered. It was during that period that I began to clearly understand what to expect. This was a learning and exploratory trip for me and my group and the project was suitable for what I wanted to do. I loved answering the children’s questions, interacting with the other teachers, walking through the community and interacting with the people who lived there and learning from them. I definitely felt as if my time and the time of the entire Village P.r.o.j.e.c.t.s Group was genuinely appreciated and meaningful to the community. We were told this consistently, and the welcome each day from the children, the staff, and the community, assured us that we were appreciated. Each experience broadens my knowledge and appreciation of the meaning of service to others. I am grateful always for that opportunity. I absolutely loved the experience! Gloria Willingham, Village Projects Group Leader (Ghana)

I traveled as part of the M-HEAL Group to Guatemala. Before signing up for the trip, I liked the safety requirements and that there was an explanation of fees, making it quick and easy to complete everything. Overall, we had no complications with the service and the team was always there for help. I loved every minute of the trip and our Medical project was exactly what I was hoping for and more. It was also very nice that my whole group could all stay in the same home-stay; it made us closer as a group and more enjoyable. I feel our time was greatly appreciated and I got so many ‘Thank You’s for the simplest things. Even at the beginning of the trip, the patients were so welcoming, with a little boy realizing that I didn’t have a lot of Spanish background and deciding to come up to me and talk to me exclusively in elementary Spanish. I’m so happy I went and I would love to go back. Patricia Dine, University of Michigan, HEAL (Health Engineered for All Lives) Group Member (Guatemala)

I went as part of a school service project. I found everything well-organized and there was a strong commitment to safety and volunteering. The IVHQ team was an excellent source of information and attentive to the group’s concerns and issues, and the volunteer house staff in Argentina were also excellent. Everything was excellent. The local team did an excellent job explaining everything and answering all the questions that were posed (both at orientation and throughout the trip). The project staff did a fantastic job organizing the daily schedule and they were highly attentive to the group’s needs. The volunteer house hosts was similarly excellent and also very attentive to the group’s needs around the house. The Spanish classes were excellent and the best time on the trip was our time spent at the project. We helped 2 families clean their houses after the floods in Villa Allende in the month of March, and when the week was over it was clear that they very much appreciated the help. It was just really great to help them out in a difficult moment. Thanks IVHQ, everything was excellent. Stuart Cassel, Mission Possible Group Member (Argentina)

Thank you so much for all your help through the preparations for our trip! We really appreciate all the help and support! The trip was a blast! Megan Chiu, Raising Awareness of International Medicine, Purdue University (Guatemala)

As a group it was very easy to navigate IVHQ’s information to find the best fit for us. When we arrived in Guatemala, the on-site staff provided a unique volunteer experience for our group by setting up medical campaigns in different communities. Because of this, we were able to assist several community efforts while gaining multiple perspectives on Guatemalan healthcare system, which was one of the major goals of our trip as an engineering healthcare student organisation. The local team made sure we visited places that needed vitamins and anti-parasitic medicine as well as general healthcare examinations (provided by the doctor we travelled with). While volunteering, I reaffirmed my passion for working with communities on improving healthcare; it was really inspiring to see the work the in-country team was doing. Throughout the duration of our trip I was in contact with the IVHQ Groups Manager to plan a group service trip, and they went above and beyond in every way possible. Extremely helpful and on top of things - I would definitely volunteer again with IVHQ based on the service provided. Erik Thomas, University of Michigan - HEAL (Health Engineered for All Lives) Group Leader (Guatemala)

IVHQ - M-HEAL Group - Volunteer abroad as a group

Our Group traveled to the IVHQ program in Zambia. We went to a location that needed our help and we were able to give it our all. We learned a lot and our efforts were appreciated by everyone. We went to the community that needed us the most and that is what made it worthwhile. I have become more confident in myself and my abilities, and more sensitive and respectful for other cultures. I have also improved my communication skills as a whole. My favorite moments were being able to do construction work, and being able to interact with a wide range of people from students, to organizers, to construction workers. I highly recommend this program. Basmah Azmi, Northwestern University in Qatar Group Member (Zambia)

The pre-departure information was very helpful on the culture and what to expect when traveling to a new country, and the local team were very helpful and informative as well. They gave us a tour of the local community on the first day and pointed out the hot spots as well as the do not go spots, and gave us a better feel for the programs that we were enrolled in. Overall, it was very enjoyable going out to the project site was almost like a personalized tour of downtown and the neighbouring city, while the actual work itself was very hands on and physical which I enjoyed very much. We worked on a local day care, building a shed-type area for the kids to play in during the hot summer days or during rainy storms. The community really appreciated the help we were giving them which made the whole experience even better. I felt our time was really appreciated as the look on the children’s faces when we told them what we were doing was truly shocking; the happiness and true excitement was unreal. My favorite moment was when we were building up the daycare. A child who lived across the street would come out and thank us every day for helping the church build the day care he would soon attend. That, alongside the moment when the students received their own notebook, at that moment I knew why I was there, not for the enjoyment of vacation but to help out the community and see the happy faces on every child. Suraj Patel, UF HEAL Group Member (Costa Rica)

We are all back in Doha now, sharing our stories of Morocco with other students and colleagues here in Qatar. We greatly appreciate IVHQ’s hard work in organizing our group trip around Morocco and with the volunteer sites. We had a lovely time volunteering, meeting local women and university students, learning about Moroccan history and culture. We enjoyed being able to tailor our trip to our needs. Our students loved learning more about differences in women’s rights and access to education. Thanks again to the dedicated and amazing team! Dalia Rehal, Women of Change - CMUQ Group Leader (Morocco)

Thank you so much from the Missouri State University Group! We can’t wait to start planning our next trip (and I might have to plan one on my own in the near future!). Our week in Costa Rica was fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone! It was so beautiful being out in the mountain and and helping the families on the coffee farm. I loved working with IVHQ, I would love to work for a company that is as organized as you all were. Thank you for being patient and always answering our questions. IVHQ was always there to answer our questions, even if they were silly or something we missed from the booklet. We had a great time! Thanks IVHQ! Amanda Gabbard, Missouri State University Group Leader (Costa Rica)

I am proud of myself and my team, we had once in a life time experience, the children were amazing and I wish I had longer time with them. In the near future I will volunteer again for longer time. Our group taught hand hygiene, oral care, we gave them toothpaste and toothbrushes. We also taught healthy eating nutrition and the last day we had healthy fruits and a party…amazingly fun!! I and my team gained great knowledge and this experience has left us with foot print in our hearts, I will continue to go with your organisation on my next voluntary experience. I thank you and the local team for the amazing work you all do and doing. I will never forget, Bali Ubud, forever in my heart. Deka Ismail, People Helping People Nursing Colleagues’ Group from Saudi Arabia, (Bali)

I stumbled across IVHQ online when conducting a preliminary search for volunteer opportunities abroad. The website contained much of the information needed. For any additional information that was not included in the website the IVHQ staff, were very helpful and forthcoming. I was able to get a complete picture over the course of the several months that preceded the group trip. Every question asked was answered to completion and promptly. Once we got in-country, the local team was wonderful. The work they do is inspiring. They were very welcoming and forthcoming to the AUC group. We couldn’t have found a better organisation to complete our volunteer work. They exceeded all expectations, as they were organized, prompt, and open to ideas and suggestions. We had a great time working with them. The project was a perfect integration of basic sciences and clinical medicine, and it also allowed for the group to see preventative and diagnostic medicine. It was exactly what we were looking for as 1st/2nd year medical students. The fact that we got to see a rural village as well as the schools was a great asset to this trip. It really allowed the group to contrast what undeserved areas are really like when outside of the U.S. The hands on experiences that we were able to participate in are priceless and will be held dear to everyone on the trip. No one wanted to leave at the end of our stay. I would love to help others make the same great choice we did by choosing IVHQ. Thank you again for all your help. I hope that future AUC students will go through IVHQ. Madison Bangert, Group Leader for American University of the Caribbean, School of Medicine: Latino Medical Student Association (Guatemala)

Over the past 3 years, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar has worked with IVHQ to arrange group programs for our students each year. Our students find their own preferred overseas locations and propose these to us for review and advise; so far our annual student groups have volunteered in South Africa, Morocco and Thailand with IVHQ. I have found IVHQ’s service to be superb. We typically have a few unique situations that aren’t necessarily covered on their website. However, in having a dedicated Groups Manager, any additional information we require is provided in a timely manner. I really enjoy working with IVHQ and appreciate IVHQ’s willingness to work with us. Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (South Africa, Morocco & Thailand)

IVHQ was great to work with, they she always got back to me quickly and were incredibly helpful. During orientation we also got told a lot of things that would come in handy while we were there. The food was excellent and our hosts were very nice to us. It was cool to live with people in Guatemala, rather than just staying in a hotel. My friends and I bonded with the nurses that we were shadowing, and one day they invited us to have lunch with them. We laughed a lot and had a great time! Meggie Manzo, Clarkson University Group Member (Guatemala)

This was my first volunteering experience, and I absolutely loved it! This experience has thought me so much about life and showed me that there is so much more out there. It made me grow as a person and it made me think about my future a lot. In these kind of experiences, you get to really know yourself. I recommend IVHQ to anyone who wish to volunteer abroad; they are helpful and you can trust them 100%; They are there for a good cause. If you are not sure to do it or not to do it; my answer would be: DO IT! It will be the BEST experience of your life! Giving always feel good. Stacy Mercier, Université de Moncton Group Member, Returning Mondial Solidarite Group (Guatemala

IVHQ went above and beyond when answering all of my questions. My group had many questions and IVHQ was always very prompt, thorough, and extremely helpful, the local team also did a phenomenal job and my group was very pleased! Volunteering at the centre was more than we could have asked for, we loved it. The living standards and meals were much higher than we expected. We fell in love with the kids in such a short amount of time and loved getting to know them. Thank you for everything, this was an experience of a lifetime and each member of my group loved it! University of Arizona - Family Studies and Human Development (Guatemala)

This past summer, I organized a group of 16 volunteers to serve with me in Ghana. We cared for about 40 children and lived with the family who founded the centre. Throughout our four weeks working with the children, we got to observe them open up and grow in so many ways. Upon leaving everyone on the trip was sad to go and realized they were all changed in unique ways for good. The experience is so valuable, because in traveling the world to give to others, we are given so much in return. The IVHQ staff was so helpful throughout the entire process and provided us with great care and support in and out of the country. Anything we needed or problems needing solved were taken care of quickly and successfully by the IVHQ Ghana staff, as they checked up on our program often. They did a great job at handling such a large group of volunteers staying at one placement, and I would take another group through them any day! Ohio State University Group (Ghana)

The days spent at Kimuka certainly rank among the best experiences we’ve ever had. We’ve picked up personal skills and education from this experience that we’ve never come across through our years of schooling. Kenya’s culture and people are, to say the least, vastly different from that in our country. Interacting with the Kenyans and soaking in the Massai culture gave us new outlooks on life (not that our school teachers are too happy with the “hakuna matata - no worries” bit). The visits to childcare centre and slums exposed us first hand to the problems faced by those in less privileged lands, enabling us to understand their plight rather than merely know of it. I started on this journey to give, but at the end of it I definitely feel I’ve gained much more than I’ve given. This wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work put in by you and your organisation and I wish to thank you guys for the help. I deeply admire the work of International Volunteer HQ in providing quality, affordable volunteer opportunities that benefits both the local community and the volunteers. Singapore University Group (Kenya Maasai)

Our group of 27 students all absolutely loved volunteering in Ecuador through IVHQ and we would strongly recommend that other colleges and university groups volunteer with IVHQ! In fact, we were so pleased with our experience that we are planning to make our volunteer trip to Ecuador through IVHQ an annual experience! Planning our volunteer experience with IVHQ was exceptionally easy and before we knew it, we were all arriving on site in Quito, Ecuador! With IVHQ, we never had anything to worry about! Volunteering in Ecuador through IVHQ was a highly meaningful and even life changing experience for each of our 27 volunteers. Our students were able to actually make an impact in another part of the world, and our volunteers were so moved by the experience that many are planning on returning to Ecuador through IVHQ once again! Our group really enjoyed volunteering, but also loved exploring Quito, Ecuador. We made great friends with our host families and other Ecuadorians, and many of us still even keep in touch with our host families and others from Ecuador! We could not have asked for a better experience! Albany University SUNY (Ecuador)

From start to finish, we were provided with wonderful support in planning our trip. All questions were answered in a professional and timely manner, leaving no doubt in my mind that we were going to have a successful trip. The trip served as a wonderful experience, and I would surely recommend this organisation. It is certainly one of the more affordable ones, but IVHQ assures a higher level of comfort with their support. I am personally looking forward to future trips in their other locations such as Costa Rica or Guatemala. Wonderful experience! University of Connecticut Doctors Without Borders (Peru)

Everything was terrific. Triple AAA. The school health campaign in Costa Rica was great for the size of our group of 23 people. The local team and our local host family were excellent! Living accommodations for such a large group were great - a very large host family home. The highlights of our trip were the host home, the health campaign in the school, and the talk at the local hospital about health care. We were also given time to travel and shop. The local team was quite accommodating with the schedule. Thanks for all your organisation of our trip. Mt Carmel Nurses Group (Costa Rica)

It is going to be an amazing experience. Come with a good attitude and energy! You’re making a huge difference in their lives and it’s extremely fulfilling. Touro College Group Member (Peru)

The local team was absolutely fantastic. I would love to work with them again. The accommodation was the perfect size to fit all of the volunteers from our group, and it was always kept clean for us. Take the leap and do it; you will not regret it. It is so amazing to be able to immerse yourself in a different culture and build on yourself as a person and be able to help others in the process. Megan Palmer, Douglas College (Ghana)

My favorite moment volunteering was when the doctor asked me what my guess at the diagnosis of a patient was. Being able to apply what I have learned about health back in America (in class and at work) and apply it to an international clinical setting was surreal. It was so exciting to be able to help put together the pieces of the puzzle. The main thing I learned was how important language is! Being able to meet someone in their culture and communicate with them in their own language is so important, and it establishes a sense of universal humanity that I completely undervalued. It opened my eyes to what cross-cultural communication really means, and I am excited to open my mind to learning new languages. DO IT! It’s good to be nervous because it gives you respect for what you’re about to do. But ultimately, the only way to grow is to push past your comfort zone, and you’ll undoubtedly complete something you never thought capable of. Sophia Dietz, Purdue Caduceus Club, Medical Campaign (Guatemala)

It brought more awareness to the lack of healthcare in Guatemala. It made me want to learn Spanish and in the future as I gain more medical qualifications to potentially come back and provide even more medical support in whichever ways I can. My favorite moment was seeing how grateful the people from the local community were to see us and receive medical care. Experiencing their limited access to healthcare, and how much difference it made to receive basic care from us made them so happy which made me feel so glad to make even a small impact in their individual lives. Although it can be uncomfortable, don’t hold back out of fear because the reward to the people you are helping and self growth is so much greater than any mistakes or awkwardness that may happen during your time abroad. Sheila Patel, Purdue Caduceus Club, Medical Campaign (Guatemala)

This program is something that you spend money on but it makes you feel richer. The local team gave us the experience of a lifetime. The clinical experience was more than we ever could have imagined and the perspective gained was life changing. Amazing experience! Olivia Keller, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Medical Campaign (Guatemala)

The trip helped me to explore a different culture, and appreciate the lives we lead. It is so worth it! It is not just a trip to help the local community, but a trip which will change and inspire you. Both the impact it will have on you, and the impact you could have on your placement, is amazing. Alexander Fraser, Dunoon Grammar School (Tanzania)

The trip made me really take stock of what I have in my life and gave me a bit of perspective. As an educator, it also made me realize how much the students I work with have and that it isn’t the case everywhere. While I knew this intellectually, it is different seeing it first hand. Working with the children in the markets of Quito was really wonderful. Getting to see their joy in the activities they were involved in was very rewarding. Totally worth trying it! Renee Hites, The Renaissance International School (Ecuador - Quito)

Working with IVHQ made my job of planning a two week trip to Vietnam with a large group of teenagers very easy. The risk assessment and safety elements were our main priority and the Groups team really helped us by speaking to the local team, sending photos of the accommodation and bathrooms and helping to find alternative nearby accommodation for staff. During the trip itself the team couldn’t have been more helpful, they were always on hand to answer any questions or solve any problems we had. The local team and the Groups team at IVHQ were brilliant and I would highly recommend them for any group, school or college trips. Amber Spearing, East Coast College (Vietnam)

This is truly a life changing experience. If you ever get the chance to volunteer abroad - I would highly recommend doing it. The amount of gratitude that was felt. It was truly life changing. We did everything with gratitude and felt that we were given back an enormous amount of gratitude. Justine Batchelder, Arthrex (Zambia)

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